The Library (Ceylon Muslim Cultural Center)
- lending,
- general reading room,
- reference and
- class libraries
The librarian of the school was Late Mr. MLM Farook.
In 1956 Asia foundation donated Rs 75,000 towards the establishment of a library building and it is named as Ceylon Muslim Cultural Center. Pakistan donated Rs.25,000 towards the same purpose. In 1961 December the library has shifted from the previously used classrooms to the Ceylon Muslim Cultural Center building.
Mr. MLM Farook continued to be the librarian and he has retired after more than 30 years of service in 1983. After him, several librarians, Mr. Abbhas, Mrs. Prathabasinghe, Mrs. Kanagarathnam and many others worked at the library. In 1997 Mrs. Rajaratnam joined as librarian. A computer has been donated by the National Development Bank in 1999 by the effort of the principal Mr. Ismail.
The members on roll of the school increased towards 5000 and the cultural center building was not enough to house this large population thus in 2009 a foundation stone was laid for three storey building which comprises of an auditorium, a library, a learning center and class rooms. The funding came from Al Makthoom Foundation.
Source : Zahira College