Home/News & Events/SPORTS FESTIVAL 2023 – TEAM REGISTRATION News & Events SPORTS FESTIVAL 2023 – TEAM REGISTRATION zahiraFebruary 14, 20230 157 Less than a minute Select Team *SPORTS FESTIVAL 2023 - TEAM REGISTRATIONCRICKET TEAM REGISTRATIONFOOTBALL TEAM REGISTRATIONTAG RUGBY TEAM REGISTRATION8 BALL POOL REGISTRATIONTRACK EVENTS - 100 METERSTRACK EVENTS - 100x4 EVENTTerms & Condition CricketRULES AND REGULATIONS Registration Fee Rs 5000.00 Only 6 players will be allowed play. Reserves – 2 players Each team will be given 5 overs to ball 6 players allowed to be in the field Umpires decision is taken as the final decision. Teams will be selected according to OBA criteria .. Which is only AL year considered as the year for all the batches Terms & Condition Football Registration Fee Rs 5000.00 Only 7 players will be allowed play. Reserves – 2 players Time duration per match 7 min - min break - 7 Min 7 players allowed to be in the field Matches will be officiated by professional referees. Referee decisions will be the final. Any concerns - Organizing committee decision will be final Teams will be selected according to OBA criteria .. Which is only AL year considered as the year for all the batches Terms & Condition Rugby Registration Fee Rs 5000.00 Only 5 players will be allowed play. Reserves – 2 players Time duration per match 7 min - 1 min break - 7 Min Referee decisions will be the final . Teams will be selected according to OBA criteria .. Which is only AL year considered as the year for all the batches Terms & Condition 8 BALL POOL Registration Fee Rs 2000.00 Team Mates should be in the same Batch. Only 2 players will be allowed for a Team. Each Batch Can participate more than one team ONLY double's matches Teams will be selected according to OBA criteria .. Which is only AL year considered as the year for all the batches Email Address *Batch / Group [O/L]Batch 87Batch 88Batch 89Batch 90Batch 91Batch 92Batch 93Batch 94Batch 95Batch 96Batch / Group [A/L]Batch 90Batch 91Batch 92Batch 93Batch 94Batch 95Batch 96Batch 97Batch 98Batch 99TEAM NAMECAPTAIN NAMECONTACT NUMBER OF THE CAPTAIN *Please enter Team Members DetailsNameNICPhoneNameNICPhoneNameNICPhoneNameNICPhoneNameNICPhoneNameNICPhoneNameNICPhoneNameNICPhoneNameNICPhoneBank DetailsPlease deposit the correct amount as per the selected event to the given bank details below.Zahira College Colombo - Group of 90SHatton National BankIslamic Banking Unit - Corporate branchA/C. No. 250010019954Upload Your Deposit Slip *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileRegister Tagsnews zahiraFebruary 14, 20230 157 Less than a minute Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Tumblr Pinterest Reddit VKontakte Share via Email Print